Does life have a sound? Do days have a sound? In this experimental podcast I explore this question. Every day I release at least 90 seconds of acoustic day tracks. Maybe that's how it comes into being: the sound of my life. The sound of the world. _______________________________________ Idea, Concept and producing by Jan Schilling A Podcast brought to you by Akustikwerk 🌍 🐤 @akustikwerk 📸 @akustikwerk

Acoustic Diary

Jan Schilling

Does life have a sound? Do days have a sound? In this experimental podcast I explore this question. Every day I release at least 90 seconds of acoustic day tracks. Maybe that's how it comes into being: the sound of my life. The sound of the world. _______________________________________ Idea, Concept and producing by Jan Schilling A Podcast brought to you by Akustikwerk 🌍 🐤 @akustikwerk 📸 @akustikwerk

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